2021 Has Been Challenging!

And our Sunnyside staff has met the challenge with hard work, dedication, and tireless effort to serve residents and keep us cared for and safe. Our Sunnyside campus employs approximately 350 people. Now is our chance to monetarily thank them for their extraordinary service.

Can WE meet the THANK YOU challenge? Can we increase our contribution to the Employee Christmas Fund this year? Last year we gave over $132,000. Do you believe we can top that??


Cash or checks are accepted. Checks must be payable to: Employee Christmas Fund. Deposit boxes are located in the Corson Lobby for Village residents and the Highlands Lobby for Highlands residents. December 2 is the deadline for this year’s giving.

Be sure to check this thermometer as we progress toward this year’s goal of $140,000. Questions? See Kay and Jim Stilwell, co-chairs of the Employee Christmas Fund Committee at X8833. And thank you for making our Employee Christmas Fund Program a huge success!