IF YOU HAVE AN INTEREST IN WOOD WORKING BUT LACK THE TOOLS OR SPACE,  CHEER UP… SUNNYSIDE HAS A NICE WOOD SHOP AND YOU CAN USE IT.  You can design a project, provide the materials you need, and get started building right away.

The wood shop is located under the Marketplace in the Highlands building. The shop remains locked when not in use, but it only takes a telephone call to get in for a tour.  Just call Len Tulio (8365), and he will be delighted to provide all the details and give you a tour to examine the shop and the tools available. (During his youth, Len taught shop and was a building contractor. He also has a home shop and builds furniture for his children. He oozes with talent!)

Monthly breakfast meetings occur on the second Wednesday of each month at 8am in the Tartan Grill. For complete details, plan to attend the monthly meeting.  Wake up with breakfast and friends – meet the whole gang!

You can get your questions answered by calling Len Tulio (8365) or Bill Bedall (8450).