Guide to SST_UTILS Support for Building SsT
Google Drive Top Level Folder
Content Related Folders
Processing MS Word Documents
This guide describes the processes and support provided by the sst_utils application code for maintaining SsT itself. sst_utils is an independent capability for sys_admins and/or developers that manages the SSTmanagement folder on Google Drive and preforms the initial processing for new content and other sources of system data such as user login lists, etc.
In particular, it implements the command processing described in System Commands. It also supports the processing of the SS provided lists of users (residents, staff, Horizon Club).
Structure of SSTmanagement on Google Drive
Since sst_utils provides the interface to Google Drive, the assumed structure is important.
SSTmanagement - Top Level
This folder provides the primary location of all content being developed for addition to SsT.
It contains a top level command file: commands.txt (described in System Commands mentioned above). In order to allow different users to utilize SSTmanagement without interfering with one another, There may be additional commands.txt files where the filename is prepended with a string xxx_ where xxx is generally a user name and is set in a Python environment variable called USER_PREFIX (set in the run configuration within PyCharm). If there is no USER_PREFIX set, then the default command file is commands.txt and is the preferred means of managing the actual system updates.
Note that using a prefix allows independent commands.txt files, the changes called for in any command set do modify the sst_static directory on the running machine which may lead to conflicts when there are multiple command sets being used. NOTE: we need the ability to run in a test mode that does not modify the sst_static directory.
It contains multiple content folder(s). The commands.txt file in use contains a change_folder command that allows the user to select among several potential folders to serve as the top level for processing. There are (currently) two primary folders selected in the change_folder command. The first is Content which is a structure for most ordinary web pages. The second is RecurringUse which is intended for content that is frequently updated and posted again to the website such as this documentation or Sunnyside Clubs.
Within Content are multiple folders for processing web pages. The primary folder for content intended for actual deployment is NewContent. Sub-folders placed here will be processed and deployed to the live site. Other folders such as NewContentTest and NewContentDev are intended for system development and not live deployment.
Within Recurring use are folders intended for live deployment. When updates are made to files within a subfolder, the corresponding command files may be run to update the live site.
It contains a UserData folder which contains the files with user lists that build the input for the Nikola make_user_logins command.
There are other folders currently not used by sst_utils such as a Samples folder to contain samples of various control files.
Sst_utilities Setup
As of this writing, sst_utils is run in development mode within PyCharm. Since sst_utils is under active development, this document may change and/or not be current. Training on actually running sst_utils is currently outside the scope of this document.
Using User Identifiers
- USER. Each running user has a system provided environment variable USER. sst_utils uses this to determine machine specific dependencies specified in the config file (see below).
- USER_PREFIX. This is a(n optional) Python environment variable specified in the run configuration of PyCharm. It is prepended to commands.txt to identify the specific command file to be used in a particular run.
Content Folders
Content folders contain the content and instructions for processing a set of content (pages, photos, ...) to be added to sst_static. Every folder must contain a commands.txt file to guide the processing. A meta.txt file is required if the content will create or update the website. Folders that do not contain a meta.txt file guide the processing (such as indicating a group of folders to be processed) but do not affect the website directly.
Content Folders for MS Word Documents
A folder to process a MS Word document consists of (Note: avoid the use of spaces in filenames):
- commands.txt file. This is usually a simple file that can likely be copied from another story folder unchanged.
- meta.txt file. This is the primary folder controlling placement of the story on the site.
- xxxxxx.docx file. This contains the actual story and control information in the form of shortcodes.
- any number of yyyy.jpg photo files
- any number of gallery sub-folders
A gallery sub-folder consists of:
- metadata.yml file. This specifies data about the photos in a gallery including captions and ordering and the location on the system where the gallery is to be stored.
- any number of yyyy.jpg photo files
A typical meta.txt file looks like this (do not include tab characters in the file):
.. title: It's Been TWO Years .. slug: its-been-two-years .. date: 2022-03-24 .. description: linda_test .. path: pages/senior-life-information/ .. photo-path: pages/senior-life-information/ .. xxxx: Yet another attribute
path specifies the folder where the story will be placed and also the url where a user can reference it on the
slug specifies the name of the file and is appended to path to complete the url.
photo-path specifies the photo folder where photos are to be placed. The name of the photo file is the name
used in storing the photo and should not include spaces or punctuation characters other than "-" or "_".