Meet Adam and Josie Mott
Meet the Motts:Our new neighbors Adam and Josie hail from all over the place to include Maryland, Tennessee, Washington DC, Florida and a tour in Vietnam for Adam. He served as an Air Force Intelligence Officer. They moved to Sunnyside in November 2018.They are a very interesting couple: Adam and Josie grew up and attended high school together. They married in Maryland in 1962. They have two children: Jenny, who is a licensed Architect and a son Dave who is a Venture Capitalist.
Josie is an arts person who enjoys painting, quilting and once upon a time restoring older farm homes. She is also a food person who once owned her own country restaurant. Adam has a lifelong love of airplanes and serves as an observer whenever he can get into an airplane, either military or civilian. Adam also owns and plays his Martin guitar. In his younger days he was a drummer in a Bagpipe Band.
Adam is a graduate of Trinity College. He has tried an assortment of career paths to include Air Force Officer, Policeman in Tennessee, Volunteer Fire Fighter in Maryland and a buyer for a lumber yard and a hardware store.
Adam’s father is a retired Admiral, United States Navy. He has two famous half sisters who are writers of novels. Adam is retired as a Major from the United States Air Force as a reserve Officer.
I was delighted to meet Lucy and Fred, the nine year old brother and sister Mott cats. The Motts are still adjusting to the community and apartment living but they are settled and happy to call Sunnyside home. They are delightful neighbors and add joy and happiness to our community.
Welcome aboard Adam, Josie, Lucy and Fred!
--Lud Creef