A Heartfelt Thank You
March 23, 2021 To residents and staff --

Bridget had a strong streak of wanderlust in her. That’s what landed her in the Shenandoah County Animal Shelter in 2013, where my husband and I fell in love with her. Her previous owners must have been crazy not to move heaven and earth to get her back. I suspect that on March 21, Bridget was proud to have finagled one last “walkabout” for herself – one last burst of freedom in the wide-open world.
At this moment, Bridget is surely romping with the 11 brothers and sisters who preceded her. And my husband is in on the action, I’m sure. He loved to quote Will Rogers: “If there are no dogs in heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.”
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart thank you, to the many Sunnyside residents and staff members who spent hours over the weekend searching for Bridget and comforting me. Thank you for your time, your empathy, and your friendship. You are wonderful, caring people, and it is a privilege to live among you.
Susan Sheridan
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