Earlier this year we lost our two lovely geriatric cats after 18 years of loving and peaceful coexistence. They were Pat’s “care animals”.
But . . . while we were waiting, the gregarious one ran out between my legs and escaped!! Now what?!? Sunnyside put an alert on Channel 970, we spoke with our neighbors to be on the lookout, and we left food and a litter box in the open garage. No luck, although several neighbors reported seeing a lovely, long-haired black cat in the neighborhood.

But . . . when the trap was opened, the cat exploded out of the trap! It immediately tried to run up the walls (literally!!), knocked a picture of the wall, shredded a set of curtains, broke a curtain rod, knocked two table lamps off their tables, spread Pat’s jewelry collection all over the floor, and then hid behind the TV where it proceeded to relieve itself. Wow.
After two days of never seeing this cat, we concluded this was not our cat!! Now, having decided that, I made a bad decision - - I’d catch the cat, put it in an animal carrier, and call animal control to pick it up. (I SHOULD have called animal control and let THEM catch the cat!) So, I cornered the cat and proceeded to wrangle her into the carrier. And she proceeded to wrangle me. And good! Bites, scratches, scrambling . . . and soon there was blood - my blood - all over the place! But the ((*&$^%& cat was in the carrier.

And, now, finally - the rest of of the story. We’ve had several reports since all this happened from neighbors that they’ve spotted “our” cat still running around Sunnyside! Clearly, there must be several lovely long haired black cats ‘on the loose’, one of which MIGHT be “our” cat. But, given our recent experiences, not one we any longer want!!! And the shy one, now free of the disturbing influence of another cat, has become less shy and personable. So we’re going to keep her.