We Have a Winner!
Our Sunnyside bear is a figment of our collective imagination no longer! We now have definite proof that the bear exists, in addition to the mangled bird feeders strewn across our campus.Don Oxley caught this Hickory Cove photo close to midnight last Wednesday, April 19th. He had mounted a Christmas present Trail camera on a tree in his back yard near the woods. The camera was fitted with a motion sensor and had already produced images of a few deer and rabbits.
Now that Don has photographed our bear, he says "I’ll try to get a smile on the bear for my next photo!" He'd also “recommend that the bear consider feeding might be better up on Grattan Price!”
As a prize, Don will be setting up a Fun with Friends activity of his own choosing. So keep a watch on Fun with Friends to see what event Don chooses, and then sign up to celebrate with him! --Linda Bradley