Cats Because, Well Just Because
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From my perspective, some people like a Ford while other people prefer a Dodge. Some people prefer the cat, others prefer the dog and we both like it that way.
A survey revealed that lawyers like dogs more than cats because dogs are revenue producers (they attack). Cats are too sneaky which sounds like envy on the lawyer’s part to me. Yes, I am a cat person.
After moving to Sunnyside, we saw numerous dogs taking humans for a walk and the varieties were endless; some men, some women, some tall, some short, some with beards, some without. The dogs were all kinds too. As we met our neighbors we were introduced to the dogs and told their breed, age, weight, and details as to their medical history but never any mention of a criminal history.
For a few weeks we wondered if we had the only cat until one day Peggy saw a cat on a leash. Then we began to discover there are other people here who keep cats that do not go out because they (the cats) know how to use a kitty pan. Most cats consider a leash to be an undignified transgression of feline rights. What follows is an introduction to the cats of Sunnyside, and it is basically name, sex, color, age.
Goldie Cat Creef:
He shares his life with Ludford and Peggy Creef, who treat him as if he were of royal descent instead of the barn cat he is. He ran away from abusive grandkids next door. We gave him refuge and have had him ever since. We had a farm with geese, chickens, ducks, goats, a llama and a donkey. He caught a few mice but always preferred the food dish. When he arrived, he was the new kid on the block and he got along well with the other five cats. Now he and Peanut donkey are the lone survivors. He rode on the mowers, tractors, Jeeps and even the donkey. He was quick to terminate snakes or mice.
After twelve years in the mountains he is in retirement mode and spends his days snoozing and greeting visitors on Hickory Cove. He plans to spend the summer on the farm and catch at least one more mouse.
Gladys Cat Beard:
Gladys is a pretty girl with mostly black fur trimmed with white fur, and a nice rack of long white whiskers and green eyes.
Recently the over powering aroma of a ginger plant was more than she could resist so she ate the top of the plant off. According to Jean, Gladys did a very neat job of pruning the ginger plant. After the tangy vegetable ginger snack, she engaged in one of her very favorite things, a nice paw lick drink of water. Her water bowl is OK, but on special occasions water from the flower vase goes better with “forbidden fruits.”
Jean is quick to warn that Gladys will not tolerate handling, and picking up is out of the question. When attention is needed, Gladys will lay in Jean’s lap and allow a few soft fur pets. Jean described Gladys as a very verbal good companion with a cat schedule to maintain.
During the Christmas holidays Jean and Gladys invited the Hickory Cove neighbors in for a nice party and some singing. Gladys was a perfect feline hostess, she perched high on her carpeted cat climbing tree and watched for several hours. Finally she yawned and announced that it was time for “all you tacky people to go home,” so we did.
Fred and Lucy Cats Mott:
Fred is a long-haired fellow from an animal rescue in Blairsville, Georgia. He is about nine years old and tips the scales at nearly 17 pounds. Mostly he is orange, but he has white trim on his belly and feet. Fred is outgoing and has appointed himself as the family greeter when the doorbell rings. Fred has yellow eyes and a very good appetite for any style of cat food which keeps him jolly, friendly and playful.
Lucy is Fred’s sister and therefore the same age. Lucy is more colorful with swaths of orange, white, and black fur. Lucy has the best crop of long cat whiskers with green-hazel color eyes, very pretty. Lucy has no objection to a ride in the car while Fred simply hates the car. For this reason, the local veterinarian has already made a house call to visit the Mott cats and trim a few claws.
Both cats are friendly and healthy. They love grooming events to keep their long fur free of tangles/knots. A treat both cats really love are the home-made toys fashioned by Josie from rabbit fur and home grown Cat Nip. The Mott cats have a little different feeding schedule from most. When Adam was a policeman he would feed the cats as he left on his midnight tour of duty. The midnight feeding continues and is expected, demanded. I hope Goldie Cat never talks to the Mott Cats.
END of Part One:
Just as I expected, the cat owners have all been forthcoming with all of the intricate details of their feline family members. The cats and their people co-habituate in harmony. All seem to enjoy a good clean dog joke now and then and they are truly happy together.
During this project to identify and promote the Cats of Sunnyside the results of a survey were revealed, and it casts a dark shadow on what we the cat-loving Americans always believed. Compiled in 2018 it is a General Social Survey intended to quantify the nation’s pet population and see who is more pleased with themselves, dog or cat people. Though happy dog people out number happy cat people 36% to 18%… NO pet happy people came in at 32%.
Dog people claim their dog as a member of the family 93% of the time, while cat people only did so 83% of the time. It was also noted that dog people are more likely to be extroverted and out in the yard playing ball with the dog. Cat people prefer a rousing game of indoor chess, with the cat and a glass of wine on a rainy afternoon, and comfort is a high priority.
There were no details available as to the mental disposition of the turtle, snake, rabbit, or mink owners. They really live in the chilly shadows. So we continue the search for Sunnyside Cats with the stories of their journeys and near misses as told by the people who chose them because, just because.
Cat persons who have a beautiful, intelligent, photogenic feline (that describes all of them) with a story to tell, please contact Ludford Creef at (phone 8286) or (email We will ask your permission to take a picture of your special cat to accompany the story.