when out on the Cove
They turned out in numbers
they turned out in droves
Happy and joyful, full of good cheer
they dressed the yard tree without nary a fear
There were no reindeer or crafty elves
just a yard full of retirees in spite of themselves
The lack of a leader was obvious to all
leaving no one to blame, no one to call
They trampled the grass and broke a few balls
they put on the lights and avoided the falls
It was a joyful event and filled with good cheer
the tree was adorned as Christmas draws near…
On the afternoon of Sunday, November 25, 2018, the hardy residents of Hickory Cove assembled around the base of the “Beard Yard Outdoor Christmas Tree” at 2 pm. Our mission was to decorate the tree for this tree’s 7th Christmas (decorated) and to exchange ideas and just have some fun.
The men were supposed to do the heavy lifting and the high altitude portions of the event, but Lynda pushed the men aside and scampered up the “Climbing Device.”* After about an hour of wise cracks and broken ornaments, we backed away and admired our handy work.
Then we bunched up for a group picture of some really jolly elder tree elves. Wishing happy delights to all, next week we turn on the lights and sing some tunes to welcome the season, with snacks to fatten us and make us pleasing and plump.
- We are not allowed to use the word LADDER , but they do exist!
And again we gathered around the Beard outdoor Christmas tree on Saturday, December 1, 2018. As darkness fell the lights were turned on and we cheered like high school kids. Then we were invited into the house to enjoy the food provided by all. The Brunswick Stew was delicious, and we dug in like starving Russian Cossacks in their sweat socks. The table was a spread of such a variety that we each had seconds and thirds and some lost count.
After eating we settled into comfortable chairs and the song folders were distributed. There was no climbing but Ruth, our key board player, did demonstrate a couple of her favorite karate-yoga moves as she jumped from the piano stool and attacked the wall. If the “Christmas Song Police” had monitored our efforts, we would be facing justice for sure, but who cares, we had tons of fun.
The Beard family cat “Gladys” finally walked to the center of the living room and said, Meow-Meow which means, “it is time for all of you tacky people to go home”! We did leave, yelling Merry Christmas to all…with seasonal delight.
And shortly after that, we had our first visitor!