Email Recommendations

For residents with an existing, satisfactory email account, the Geek Squad recommends continuing to use that account and, if appropriate, change accounts over time in response to a real need. However, many residents (new and existing) who are using PC’s find that they are using an existing email account that is causing them many problems. This seems particularly true for many of the older Microsoft based accounts such as Hotmail or Livemail. Many residents are also running older versions of Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express which also seem to be causing many problems.

Where practical, the Geek Squad recommends that residents use Google’s GMail as a robust, safe, and well supported email.

Some users find that a standard browser (any browser will work) based version of GMail works well and meets the residents needs.

Some residents prefer to use a local email client (this is one running on their own machine rather than in a browser) for handling their email, which provides more features (e.g., different mailboxes for different email addresses, including gmail). There are a wide variety of email clients available, but Mozilla’s Thunderbird is a very solid, free email client that is likely to meet most if not all of a resident’s needs.

Apple computers come with a built-email client (Mac Mail) which is recommended for Mac users. Thunderbird also works fine.

Sunnyside provides email addresses for residents needing them through their network provider, Lumos. The Geek Squad will support residents using Lumos, but wherever possible, recommends that residents use GMail.

If necessary, the Geek Squad can guide migration from one email service (e.g., AOL) to GMail.