Free Classes at Blue Ridge Community College !

Did you know you can audit credit classes at Blue Ridge Community College tuition-free, except for any course materials or lab fees? There are many classes to choose from – art, history, literature, science, information technology, and much, much more.

Here’s how! On the first day of class, senior citizens may enroll in credit classes on a space-available basis after all tuition-paying students have been accommodated. To qualify, certain income guidelines apply, plus you must:

  1. be 60 years of age or older prior to the semester you wish to enroll;
  2. be a legal resident of Virginia; and
  3. be admitted to the college as a student.

For more information and assistance with registration for credit courses, contact Travis Messick at 540-453-2323 or HINT: You can be prepared for this last minute registration by calling Travis beforehand to fill out a tuition-waiver form.

There are also a broad variety of non-credit personal enrichment classes such as creative writing, computers, and photography for which income guidelines don't apply and you don’t need to be admitted to the college as a student. Fall semester classes begin on August 20, and personal enrichment classes are typically shorter in length and have varying start dates. For more information and assistance with registration with non-credit personal enrichment classes, contact the Office of Continuing Education and Workforce Center at 540-453-2215.

Check out the Blue Ridge website at for any classes you might be interested in. As an aside, I’ve taken several photography and computer classes at Blue Ridge after “retiring” and have enjoyed them all! --Linda Bradley