TED Talks and More

TED talks are presentations given by experts in various fields to describe their work and encourage discussion. TED talks cover almost any topic you can name – from science to education to religion to the arts, and many more. Much like a book club, TED talks can be viewed by a group of people, and used to stimulate conversation in the group. Participants can agree or disagree with presenters’ ideas, expand upon them, compare them to their own experiences. Discussion may continue long after the meetings, encouraging new thinking and new friendships.

Your help is needed to select and schedule at least one TED talk event each month. In June 2018, about 30 Sunnyside residents watched “Feats of Memory Anyone Can Do.” and discussed how to accomplished similar feats. In August, residents are invited to view a non-political talk on “Can a Divided America Heal?” This blog is a place for you to tell us how your reacted on such events. Did you enjoy the video and participate in the discussion? Did the event pique your interest? Did you form new opinions based on the event? Was the time and setting of the event convenient for you? We would like to hear your opinions in this blog.

You can also help plan future programs by letting us know what you would like to hear about. Peruse the catalogue at TED.com and tell us what looks interesting. Suggest times and places for these presentations. Volunteer to lead a discussion. Resident involvement is needed to make TED talks a monthly offering.

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