
Administrative Departments
Here you can find information about the structure of Sunnyside: Administration, Buildings and Grounds, Development, and Marketing.  Administrative Departments
Sunnyside Living
Here you can find information about the four major divisions of the Sunnyside campus: the Eiland Center, the Highlands, the Pannill Health Center, and the Village.  
Facilities and Services
Here you can find information about the following Facilities and Services at Sunnyside: Hours of Highlands and Main Clinics and Pharmacy, Sunnyside -led Trips /Activities [Given that this is also a subhead, is this potentially confusing??], the Beauty Salon, Massage Parlor, Foot Care, Spiritual Resources, the Tartan Grill, and the Wellness Center.  Facilities and Services
Projects and Renovations
Here you can find information and updates about current campus building projects such as the Bistro and the New Wellness Center.  Projects and Renovations
Resident Council and Committees
Here you can find information about the Purpose and Activities of the Resident Council as well as a discussion of the committees and associations that are a part of it: The Sunny Treasures Committee, the Strategy Working Committee, the Green Committee, the Employee Christmas Fund Committee, the Neighbors Committee, the Highlands Association, and the Village Association.  Resident Council